QOCO Systems — News & Blog

Andy Graham knows that honesty and a continuing focus on quality have made QOCO the success it is today

Written by Andy Graham | Jan 11, 2023 10:00:00 PM

Andy joined aviation industry when he was 21, starting within airline operations, and he was hooked on aviation from day one. The daily challenges are complex but also very rewarding working in a strong international team, seeking ways to problem solve and help customers succeed. In 2020, he joined QOCO as a Chief Commercial Officer and Partner, having been curious as to what QOCO was doing and what gave them a unique position with an iconic brand name like Rolls-Royce. At QOCO, Graham loves the culture of transparency, openness, honesty and respect as well as unique solutions used by some of aerospace’s best-known brands.

Your name, your job title, and the name of the business?

Andy Graham, Chief Commercial Officer and Partner at QOCO Systems.

How did QOCO get started?

QOCO Systems was established in 2009 by Ilari Neitola, who is currently a Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of the Board. In QOCO’s vision, he combined his two main interests, aviation and IT. Ilari saw opportunities to improve maintenance planning activities through software combining information from multiple sources with an easy and user-friendly interface. He thought that the best opportunity to drive the change was becoming an entrepreneur and that is when and why QOCO was established. Ilari ran the company successfully for many years delivering IT solutions for both the aviation and railway industries. In 2015 QOCO’s ownership was reorganized with Lauri Jämsén Ville Santaniemi and Arttu Kataja joining company. I joined QOCO in the summer of 2020. Since then, due to rapid growth, the QOCO crew and operations have doubled.

What is the guiding business principle that drives QOCO?

Transparency, trust and honesty guide us with our customers. We deliver what we promise and engage with our customers very proactively. QOCO has a unique combination of aviation and software development expertise that allows us to deliver high quality solutions for our customers. Our solutions focus on enabling seamless data exchange services for intracompany and intercompany purposes. Quality is at the heart of everything we do. We are proud to be an ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified organization.

What has QOCO’s greatest business achievement been to date, and why?

The partnership with Rolls-Royce is the major achievement for us. We are utilizing our strengths to deliver seamless data exchange services, EngineData.io platform, for enabling high value digital services for Rolls-Royce customers, the world’s largest airlines. Our long-term partnership with Finnair enabled the development of MROTools.io, the leading digital tool management software. Working together with Finnair allows us to deliver solutions that are 100% fit for the purpose and significantly improve tool management. This year we are proud to announce new clients that use MROTools.io, such as Wideroe.

“We are utilizing our strengths to deliver seamless data exchange services, EngineData.io platform, for enabling high value digital services for Rolls-Royce customers, the world’s largest airlines.”

Andy Graham

What have been your disappointments and what have you learned from them?

The aviation industry has been shaken by the pandemic and other events in the world. As the aviation industry is QOCO’s primarily focus, it makes us vulnerable to global events affecting the sector. I believe that following our passion for the aviation industry and utilizing our core competences for the benefit of our customers is the only way to succeed.

In a sentence, how would you summarize what QOCO does for aircraft maintenance customers?

QOCO improves operational efficiency, compliance, and visibility of crucial data to help make critical business decisions.

What do you feel will be the next big thing in maintenance Aviation IT?

Digitalization and getting rid of manual processes will prevail in the coming years. Aviation maintenance will become automated and based on data, which will increase safety and security by eliminating the potential for human errors. The use of blockchain technology in the aviation industry will increase.

What do you want your customers to say about OQCO?

That they trust us to deliver on our commitments and they feel valued by us.

Andy Graham, thank you for your time.